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Users cannot see popup

Last Update: June 24, 2024


Visitors to your website cannot see a popup on the page.

Possible cause

The popup may fail to display because the following may not have been set properly:

  • Conditions – determine where (on which page(s)) a popup should occur.
  • Triggers – what user actions cause a popup to display.
  • Advanced Rules – other situations that would cause a popup to display.

Multiple conditions, triggers, and advanced rules may be in place. Ensure all criteria are met for the popup to display. 


Consider the following scenario:

  • A website offers a premium business mentor membership program.
  • To showcase the program’s value, three distinct guides are created for trial members.
  • Any user attempting to leave the landing page without joining gets a popup offering a guide based on their interests.

Following are the popup configuration with different types of guides based on the user interest:

  • Popup A: Offers a client acquisition guide
    • Condition: Membership landing page only
    • Trigger: Exit intent
    • Advanced Rule: Not logged in, arrived from a relevant internal page
  • Popup B: Offers a project management guide
    • Condition: Membership landing page only
    • Trigger: Exit intent
    • Advanced Rule: Not logged in, arrived from an internal page on project management
  • Popup C: Offers a business membership benefits guide
    • Condition: Membership landing page only
    • Trigger: Exit intent
    • Advanced Rule: Not logged in, arrived from a search engine

For any of the above popups to display, each of the following rules must apply, else the popup will not occur:

  • If the user came from anywhere other than the specified internal pages, or from a search engine, no popup will be shown.
  • If the user meets all of the rules for one of the popups but the user is logged in, no popup will be shown.
  • If the user is not on the membership page, no popup will be shown.


You need to check and fix the following to resolve the issue:

  • Conditions
    • Confirm that the Conditions are set accurately, specifying the intended page(s) for the popup display.
    • Verify if the conditions align with your expectations regarding the page where the popup should appear.
  • Triggers
    • Evaluate the Triggers to ensure they correspond to user actions triggering the popup (for example, clicks or scrolls).
    • Confirm whether users have performed the required actions to activate the popup.
  • Advanced Rules
    • Check the Advanced Rules for any additional criteria influencing popup visibility.
    • Verify the occurrence of the specified situations, considering factors such as user origin or specific behaviours.
  • Add a check for the Avoid Multiple Popups option. Go to Popup Settings > Advanced > Advanced. For details, see Learn How To Use Elementor Popups 
  • If the popup is manually triggered, ensure it is using a unique selector (class, ID, or data-element) and the selector is correctly assigned.
The Hide for Logged In Users option under Advanced Rules may not function correctly on cached websites.
Popup may encounter layout issues with iOS13 or below. No versions of Internet Explorer are supported. For details, see the System Requirements To Use Elementor.

For more details on popups, see Learn How To Use Elementor Popups, Popup FAQ

Keep visitors engaged with an exit-intent popup. Elementor Premium Services offers expert help designing and implementing the perfect popup. 

Need expert help in creating that perfect lead-collection popup for your marketing campaign? Check out Elementor Premium Services.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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