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Create or open a page

Last Update: February 2, 2024

Creating and editing new pages

The Elementor editor and site builder works in conjunction with WordPress. When you create a new page to edit with Elementor, you first need to create the page in WordPress, and then select Edit with Elementor.

Create a new page

Screenshot of the WordPress dashboard. The "Pages" and "Add New" buttons are highlighted in red boxes.
Just look for the “Pages” and “Add New” buttons to create a new page.
New pages can be created from the Admin bar
Creating a new page from the WP Admin top bar.
  1. From WP Admin, select the Pages tab
  2. Click Add New


  1. Select New>Page from the WP Admin top bar
  2. Click Edit with Elementor

Edit an existing page

To open a page from WP Admin

  1. From WP Admin, click the Pages tab
  2. Hover over the page name  
  3. Select Edit with Elementor 
Screenshot of WordPress dashboard showing users where the "Edit with Elementor" button is located. The "Edit with Elementor" button is highlighted in red.
You can also edit a page with Elementor by clicking Edit with Elementor from the site admin bar.
Top admin bar Create or open a page 4

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